NS Knight Jan Kryštof Šica

NS starts in the village of Divišov and ends in Český Šternberk. If you don't own a car, you can get to Divišov by bus from Benešov or Vlašimi, there is also a railway to Český Šternberk. However, on the weekend, the bus service is very sporadic. On a route less than 7 km long, we will get to know the historically documented figure of the knight Jan Kryštof Šica, learn something about the Jews in the village of Divišov, the nature around Divišov,...
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Other places in the vicinity - NS Rytíř Jan Kryštof Šica

The second of two commemorative oaks

The second of two commemorative oaks

One of two memorial oak trees

One of two memorial oak trees

waterfall near the chapel

waterfalls on the Šternovský stream

Castle lord at home, C. Šternberk

Castle lord at home, C. Šternberk

Divišov Crossroads

Divišov Crossroads

Divišov - Church of St. Bartholomew

Divišov - Church of St. Bartholomew

Divišov, monument to the victims of the world wars on Tyršov náměstí

Monument to the victims of the world wars in Divišov.

Divišov, view of the synagogue from SW

Divišov Synagogue.

Divišov, Horní náměstí and the church of St. Bartholomew

Divišov, church of St. Bartholomew.