Hluk - Penkův dvůr (Liechtenstein Estate)

The four and a half thousand Slovak town of Hluk, located about ten kilometers southeast of Uherské Hradiště, is an interesting, well-known and certainly remarkable place. It was probably made famous mainly by the traditional Ride of the Kings, which takes place here once every three years, but many also know some of the local monuments - for example, the former fortress or church - or the writer František Kožík. Therefore, it will probably surprise most of you that local…
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Other places in the vicinity - Hluk - Penkův dvůr (Lichtenstein estate)

Fortress Noise

City Hluk - fortress

heritage houses in Hluk

Noise - heritage houses

overall view

Vlčnov - church of St. Jacob the Elder

Decoration of horses with an offer of wolf cakes

Wolf ride of kings

spread over Vlčnov

Vlčnov - Hrabecí lookout tower

They have this nice waterman in Veletiny

Big cities