Netřeb ruins and nature park

Netřeb is a ruin located in the forest between the villages of Kanice, Úboč and Všepadly. From all these places, a tourist sign will lead you to the ruins. It is approximately 2-3 km to the hill. We went there from the village of Úboč on our way back from Kdyn.
It was built in the first half of the 14th century. The castle has probably been abandoned since the end of the 15th century. In the land registers in 1528, the castle is already listed as deserted. OF…
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Other places in the vicinity - Ruins and nature park Netřeb

Dungeon from the inside

Not necessarily

A fortress from the south


New Herstyn

New Herstyn

Rýzmberk - lookout tower


the ruins of the chapel of St. Markets

A log near Klatov

a view of coke


The ruins of the Netřeb castle

Netřeb Castle and century-old yew trees.

Netreb yews

Netreb yews

Kanice - chapel of St. John of Nepomuk

Kanice - chapel of St. John of Nepomuk

Hradiště - Chapel of St. Peter

Hradiště - chapel

a mill for grinding old women

Koloveč Museum with a doll's mill