Agricultural open-air museum Rapotín

By train, bus or by bike from Šumperk in the direction of Vikýřovice. The museum is only a short distance away, through the nice village of Vikýřovice.
  All lovers of period crafts and technology will find their place in Rapotín, where they also have a small zoo. A unique agricultural open-air museum, a veterans' museum and a zoo. You can find accommodation in the town of Šumperk or in Velké Losiny, which are not too far away. You can find good food...
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Other places in the vicinity - Agricultural open-air museum Rapotín

Agricultural open-air museum

Agricultural open-air museum "U Havlíčků" Rapotín

The beginning below Holubák

The first cycle path in Rapotín

Šumperk pod Hájem

Via Tulinka to Holubí vrch

Spring mulberry tree

Vikýřovice – mulberry tree (and Calvary)

Rapotín pond

Rapotín - municipal pond


U Havlíčků sculpture gallery

Arrival from Vikýřovice

Vikýřovice - footbridge

Crossroads Black Field

Middle rock - green up, yellow down