Experience a unique augmented reality in the prehistoric village in Všestary

Head to the Archeopark in Všestary near Hradec Králové and experience prehistoric times for yourself. With the modern Visit More application and its unique augmented reality, you will learn a lot of information about the life of our ancestors through your mobile phone. Transport yourself to the past and learn about life in the Neolithic era, thanks to the fun form even children will enjoy learning.
On an excursion to prehistoric times,…
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Všestary - Center for Experimental Archaeology

Všestary Prehistoric Archeopark

Všestary - Archeopark of Prehistory

Všestary - Archeopark of Prehistory

Cemetery (Všestary, 5.8.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX)

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Všestary - Church of the Holy Trinity

Všestary - Church of the Holy Trinity

Church of the Holy Trinity (Všestary)

Church of the Holy Trinity in Všestary