Žamberk - Rokytnice and back

Looking at the blue and yellow markers on the map, connecting Žamberk and Rokytnice in the Orlické hory, it directly tempts you to combine the two routes into a one-day trip. The whole circuit is comfortable, there are no steep climbs or any dangerous sections. Perhaps only occasional mistakes in the marking of the blue mark. I enter medium difficulty only with regard to a length greater than 20 km, although even that is for the average tourist in…
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Other places in the vicinity - Žamberk - Rokytnice and back

1-Žamberk, square

Žamberk - Letohrad and back

Žamberk - the main tourist signpost

Žamberk - the main tourist signpost

Žamberk - Masaryk Square, a set of monuments

Žamberk - Masaryk Square, a set of monuments

Marian Column

Žamberk, Masaryk square

Žamberk - Bust of TGM

Žamberk - Bust of TGM