Park in Ostrava Třebovice

Park in Ostrava Třebovice

Třebovice - other attractions in the vicinity


Ostrava - Vítkovice - Jožka Jabůrková Park

Dobroslavice - castle park

Dobroslavice - castle park

a fountain with three stones and an interesting maxi bench

Ostrava - Husův sad

Comenius garden

Comenius garden

Bělský les in Ostrava

Bělský les in Ostrava

I arch the entrance to the park

Klimkovice - Petra Bezruč park

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view from the spa

Klimkovice - Forest park

ZOO Ostrava - baby elephant christening

ZOO Ostrava - baby elephant christening

Guinea pigs

ZOO Ostrava - new housing

ZOO Ostrava

ZOO Ostrava

Ostrava Zoo

Ostrava Zoo

zoo map

Ostrava Zoo

Cemetery of extinct animals in Ostrava ZOO

Cemetery of extinct animals in Ostrava ZOO

Šilheřovice Castle Park

Šilheřovice Castle Park

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