From Jankovice to Bunč, rocks under Jílovová and Komínky

My eyes have rested many times on mapá on the icons of rocks stretching in the immediate vicinity of Bunče on Jílová hill. But for me to finally stop "gypsying" my eyes by looking at the monitor and show them the rock formations in real life, some time passed.
Until September 2021 came, when I made my first expedition to see them. Unfortunately, it failed due to the intervention of a Higher Power (see my travelogue "Anabaze according to...
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Other places in the vicinity - From Jankovic to Bunč, the rocks under Jílovová and Komínky


Rocks under Jílova

Front Chimneys

Front Chimneys

Chimneys - rocks in

Chimneys - rocks in the "middle of Moravia"

Rear Chimneys

Rear Chimneys

Obes Střílky with a visible cemetery and chapel

Along the unfinished Bať highway through Chřiby

Bunch - bell

Bunch - bell

Reconstruction of the cottage April 2009


Tourist crossroads Bunč-chata

Tourist junction Bunč - tourist hut

Chřiby - Tvarůžek near Bunče

Chřiby - Tvarůžek near Bunče