From Hranice to Lipník via Drahotuš

At the end of this summer, we went once again to Hranice na Morava to walk through the surrounding hills. From the station, we followed the red tourist sign along the first known route through the villages of Velká (3 km) and Hrabůvka (2 km) to the artificial ruins of Kunzov Castle (1 km), which at least started to be repaired since our last visit about 2 years ago, so maybe we'll even look into it one day.. Furthermore, we're already…
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Other places in the vicinity - From Hranice to Lipník via Drahotuš

At the little church

At the little church

View of Teplice

Around Teplice n. B.

Crossroads Teplice nad Bečvou - railway

Crossroads Teplice nad Bečvou - railway

Teplice nad Bečvou - railway (cycling tourist signpost)

Teplice nad Bečvou - railway (cycling tourist signpost)

Zbrašov crossroads

Zbrašov crossroads


Borders - railway viaducts