From Božejovice to Milevsko

                  From Božejovice to Milevsko
We arrived in Božejovice by train from Ražice, where the start of an easy walking tour was planned. The village of Božejovice is historically remembered in 1262. The so-called "Žižkovka" sticks were produced here, which became very popular in Bohemia. He is currently making Božejovice visible
amateur theater group. The theater performance did not take place at the station, so we…
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Other places in the vicinity - From Božejovice to Milevsko

Route map

Hiking from Božejovice to Sepekov

Route map

Around St. Mary Magdalene

Information board on the square

Educational trail of Jistebnické sady

0. View of Jistebnica

Wandering through Jistebnick

0. Jistebnicko is rightly a region of ponds.

Wandering around the ponds in Jistebnick

1. Menhir on the bank of the pond near Jistebnice, JS 1

Wandering behind the stones of Jistebnicka

Padařovské nádraží


Božetice Museum of Milling, Bakery and Agriculture

Božetice Museum of Milling, Bakery and Agriculture

The facade of the castle


Kotnov Tower

Kotnov Tower