XXV. part - Roaming through Kokořínsk (with extension) - 16,5 km

You can find a description of the route at: http://ondra-pdvyv.wz.cz/odkazy/XXV-11.htm
Other routes also at http://ondra-pdvyv.wz.cz
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Other places in the vicinity - XXV. part - Roaming through Kokořínsk (with extension) - 16,5 km

Signpost Truskavenský důl

Signpost Truskavenský důl

tourist crossroads Kokořín - near the castle

tourist crossroads Kokořín - near the castle

1-Kokořín from the lookout

From Kokořínské Dol to Sedlec and Hradsko

1-Ascent to Kokořín Castle

From Kokořínské Dol to Kokořín and Nedamy

tourist crossroads Kokořín - valley

tourist crossroads Kokořín - valley


Kokořín Castle

Kokořín Castle

By train to Kokořín


Kokořín Castle

Kokořín - statue of St. Nicholas Tolentinsky

Kokořín - statue of St. Nicholas Tolentinsky

Staráky: tunnel in the rock

Kokořín - Staráky