Vsetín hills: Medůvka-Bystřička dam

Vsetín hills: Medůvka-Bystřička dam

Zašová lookout tower

Zašová lookout tower

From Jehličná, Hostašovice

Zašová - under Žernovým

From the signpost to Jehlicná

Trojačka Crossroads

Zašová - other attractions in the vicinity



Path: View from the signpost towards the forest path to Trojačka

Needle inn

God's torment at the crossroads

Jehličná crossroads

From the signpost to the monument

A triplet

Strítež ash tree

Strítež ash tree

Strětež nad Bečvou

Strětež nad Bečvou

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From Trojačka roz. to Trojačka ridge

Triplet - crest

Babyfriendly certificate - Restaurant U Bundárů

Restaurant U Bundárů

Rákosina in Střítěž

Rákosina in Střítěž

Hike to Velký Javorník (Beskydy)

Hike to Velký Javorník (Beskydy)

Stop: Krhová railway station near the signpost


On Krátká, under Huštýn and to Mořkov

Bison Ultimate Bus

nature trail on Huštýn


Memorial to the victims of the wars in Helštín

Memorial to the victims of the wars in Helštín

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monument in Zubrí

Zubří - memorial to those who died in World War II

Helstein lindens

Helstein lindens

Domoraz meadows

Domoraz meadows



From Mořkov to the signpost

Hustýn - crossroads

Domorac - road

Domorac - road

Springs of Zrzávka

Springs of Zrzávka

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Springs of Zrzávka.

Springs of Zrzávka.

Signpost: General view of the signpost

Velká Lhota - bus

Route: Route towards Vichutry, Velká Lhota


Dead from the Battle of Slavko. valašské meziříčí

Dead from the Battle of Slavko. valašské meziříčí

Under Huštýnem - view from the road from Mořkovo: Under Huštýnem - view from the road from Mořkovo

Under Hustyn

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Mořkov crossroads - direction to Trojačka and railway station: Mořkov crossroads - direction to Trojačka

Mořkov - under railway station

Kinsky Castle Park in Valašské Meziříčí

Kinsky Castle Park in Valašské Meziříčí

statue of St. Ignatius of Loyol

Valašské Meziříčí - historic bridge and baroque sculptures

Short dist. - rest bench and inf. board: Short dist. - rest bench

Short - crossroads

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