1. View of Javorová skála from Jetřichovice

Roaming around Maple Rock

0. Wandering through the snow had its own magical atmosphere

Holiday wandering around Javorová skály

0. Autumn beech

Autumn wandering in the woods under Javorová skála

1. Alenina Lhota-1900

Hike the Devil's Hump behind the stone bells

Maple Rock

Maple Rock

Ounuz - other attractions in the vicinity

The devil's burden, Jistebnická vrchovina

The devil's burden, Jistebnická vrchovina

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0. Chlístov menhirs

Hike through the stone sea back through history, to the menhirs and beyond the devil at Javorová skály

0. It was something to look at

In the role of a guide to selected megaliths in Český Merán

0. Wandering through magical nature

Wandering the forests around Chlístov

0. Modern menhir in Monín, ZK 3

Wandering behind the stones in Český Merán. Menhirs under Holý vrch

0. View of Český Merán from lower Lomek.

Hike around the attractions of Český Merán

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0. Beautiful stones

Wandering behind the stones in Český Merán. Behind the menhirs around Vratkov.

0. Through the stones. Giants of old.

Along the stone ridges of Český Merán

0. Fortress in Uhřice near Sedlce-Prčice.

Hike behind the fortresses of Český Merán

0. Viewpoint on Český Merán with a cross from 1864.

Hike along the views of Český Merán

0. View of the cloudy Český Merán.

On the hills around Český Merán

1. Master Jan Hus.

In the footsteps of the personalities of Český Merán

0. Devil's Burden rock formation.

Hike through Český Merán along one of the routes of the Devil's Horseshoe march

0. commemorative plaque of the visit of KH Máchy to Zvěřinci.

Hike in Český Merán via Zvěřinec Castle

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0. Stone giants of ancient times.

Popular trails in the region of stones around Český Merán

0. New Year's view.

New Year's four-leaf clover hike, or both on New Year's and throughout the year

0. Chapel with bell of St. Anne in Uhřice from 1820

Wandering through Český Merán for chapels

Sedlec Square - Prčice

From the Vítkov rose to the miraculous spring

0. When the sun came out, it was hey.

Hike through the sunken and sunken Meran

The devil's burden

The devil's burden

Castle: View of the castle from the castle park




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Start Atelier - bright building

Devil's horseshoe

Behind the Furnace

Myslkov or Miskov, part two

0. Nadějkovsko and Jistebnicko - region of ponds

From Nadějkovo to Český Merán for the third time

0. Myslkovský sacrificial stone.

Wandering past megaliths from ancient times

0. Through a picturesque landscape through the countryside

Wanderings in Nadějkovsk to Český Merán

0. The distant views of the region were enchanting

From Nadějkov to Český Merán for the second time

0. The late Baroque one-story, three-wing castle in Nadějkov was created by the reconstruction of

Wandering through Nadějkovsk with a bivouac

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