Neustupov - other attractions in the vicinity

Votice - Chapel of St. Vojtěch

Votice - Chapel of St. Vojtěch

castle in Votice

castle in Votice

Votice - Old castle

Votice - Old castle

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Votice - church of St. Václav

Votice - Church of St. Wenceslas

Monument to the Battle of Jankovo

Monument to the Battle of Jankovo

0. The ruins of the fortress in Kouty were first mentioned in 1368.

Wandering Votick with a bivouac

Odlochovice - Castle Park

Odlochovice - Castle Park

Kouty Fortress

Kouty - a ruined fortress in a romantic location

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Franciscan monastery - Votice

Votice - Monastery of the Franciscans

Votice - Old town hall

Votice - Old town hall

Comenius Square - Votice

Votice - Comenius square

Monument to the Battle of Jankovo

The forgotten battle of the Thirty Years' War at Jankovo

Odlochovice - Chapel of St. Linhart

Odlochovice - Chapel of St. Linhart

Votice near Benešov: Votice ponds Pilař and Srbičák


Votice - statue of the Virgin Mary

Votice - Statue of the Virgin Mary

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God's grave at the Franciscan cemetery - Votice

Votice - Holy Sepulchre

Odlochovice Castle

Odlochovice Castle

Odlochovice - Mass chapel of St. Jan Nepomucký

Odlochovice - Chapel of St. Jan Nepomucký

map and route description

Explore Votic around

Above Nosákov

Blaník in sight

Odlochovice - Memorial to the Fallen

Odlochovice - Memorial to the Fallen

Crossroads Odlochovice

Crossroads Odlochovice



0. View from Větrov to Votice in the valley

Wandering from Votic to Český Merán via Kouty fortress

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Lion of Miličín

Kalvárie hill near Miličín

Ratměřice - Castle

Ratměřice - Castle

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