Všestary zst - Hrádek u Nechanice

From the Všestarský nádraží we follow the blue sign towards Rosnice, where we pass the monument to the victims of the battle of 1866 and follow the road towards the height called Žižk's table. During his campaign in 1423, Jan Žižka and his army are said to have camped at this place. Žižka's table offers views of the battlefield at Chlum, Krkonoše, Orlické mountains, but also towards the south towards Kunětická hora and the Železny mountains. After the sightseeing…
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Other places in the vicinity - Všestary zst - Hrádek u Nechanice

Všestary - battle monument, 1866

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Rozběřice tourist crossroads - near Šrám's cross

Rozběřice tourist crossroads

Rozběřice tourist crossroads

Všestary No. 55 (24.7.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Railway station in Všestary

Všestary No. 2 (20.8.2017/XNUMX/XNUMX)

School in Všestary

Všestary - a set of monuments to the battle of 1866 near the church

Všestary - a set of monuments to the battle of 1866 near the church