Mokrosuky train stop.

The Mokrosucká stop is part of the railway line from Horažďovice suburb to Klatov. A lot has been written about the history of this track, so from a tourist's point of view it will be better to point out interesting places in the vicinity. When you get off here, an interesting view opens up after the train departs. In the west, you can see the Plain near the Mother of God Mountains and the village of Mokrosuki a little closer. The village has an interesting Renaissance castle, a chapel and several…
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Other places in the vicinity - Mokrosuky train stop.

God's torment at Mokrosuk

God's torment at Mokrosuk.

Mokrosuki, monument to the fallen

Mokrosuky, a monument to those who died in the World War.

Mokrosuky, monument to Prof. MD Václav Vojta

Monument to Prof. MD Václav Vojta in Mokrosuky.

Mokrosuky, view from the road to the well

Well near Mokrosuk.

Departure from Čermná

Mokrosuky, Valcha, Hrádek u Sušice

Stop in Velhartice under the castle.

Mokrosuky, Velhartice, Lešišov



Mokrosuky, facade of the chapel of St. Wenceslas

Chapel of St. Václav in Mokrosuky.

The highest royal castle in Bohemia - Kašperk

The highest royal castle in Bohemia - Kašperk

