Traveling by train? Definitely to Votic

Combine a visit to the St. Wenceslas festivities with a rich program (more here) with a tour of votive monuments, many of which have undergone reconstruction or restoration in recent years.
It is 1,8 kilometers from the train station to the former Franciscan monastery in Votice. You will follow them along the sidewalk along the road from Beztahovo to Votic. Monastery of St. Františka in VoticeHistory of the former monastery...
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Other places in the vicinity - Traveling by train? Definitely to Votic

0. View from Větrov to Votice in the valley

Wandering from Votic to Český Merán via Kouty fortress



0. The ruins of the fortress in Kouty were first mentioned in 1368.

Wandering Votick with a bivouac

0. The castle in Smilkov is reflected on the surface of the pond.

Hike around Český Merán via the castle in Smilkov

0. Remains of the fortress in Martinice near Votic.

Hike behind the ridges of Meran through the fortress in Martinice

Votice near Benešov: Votice ponds Pilař and Srbičák


map and route description

Explore Votic around

God's grave at the Franciscan cemetery - Votice

Votice - Holy Sepulchre

Votice - statue of the Virgin Mary

Votice - Statue of the Virgin Mary

Votice - Old town hall

Votice - Old town hall