Stained glass museum in Libyn near Lubnec

You can come to Lubenz by train or bus. There is Flixbus, as well as a stopover bus from Prague or Karlovy Vary. Then it's about 1,5 km to Libyn. You can also take a stop bus from Podbořany directly to Libyn. It is always a good idea to check the working hours on tel: 603818185, or to pick up the keys to the stained glass workshop, which is located directly in Lubenc, Chýšská 109. The Stained Glass Museum is...
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Other places in the vicinity - Stained glass museum in Libyn near Lubnec

Vochlicka lookout tower

Vochlicka lookout tower

View from the park to the castle

From Lubnec to Chyší

Chyše Chateau

Lubenec - Chyše - Libyně - Vochlice lookout tower

finding the task


pond in the village


development in the village


Lubenec A5


about halfway through repairs

Vochlice near Libyn

Capuchin rocks

Over the Capuchin Rocks to the lookout tower.

Monument to the victims of the death march in Lubenac.

Monument to the victims of the death march in Lubenac.