Villa Perucka Prague Vinohrady

Villa Perucka, also known as Petruska or Pelikánka, gave its name to two Vinohrady streets, Perucká and Nad Petruska, but today it stands somewhat in the background. The uninhabited and inaccessible building is hidden in an overgrown garden, in close proximity to the Vondračka homestead.
She was originally created as a Pelican
The vineyard and vineyard estate stood on the site as Pelicánka already before the year 1800. From the ownership of Eliška Poláková,…
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Other places in the vicinity - Vila Perucka Prague Vinohrady

Homestead Vondraček, source: Wikimedia Commons

Homestead Vondračka, Prague Vinohrady

Vinohrady, source: PSN

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Vila Osvěta, source: Manka, CC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons

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