Windmill stream


Based 0 assessment.
It is a small watercourse with a length of 3,13 km and a total catchment area of ​​6,618 km2 on Turon sandstone bounded by Quaternary bedrock, whose origins can be traced to the west of Nové Dvor, a local part of the village of Hořiček, near the road from Újezdek to Horičky. Originally, it originated even further west (in the "Na novodvorském" locality), but the situation changed thanks to several melioration and regulatory...
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Other places in the vicinity - Větrnický potok

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Pilgrimage chapel of the Virgin Mary under the Windmill

The path to the chapel under Větrník between No. 18 and 14 (Vestec, 29.8.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Windmill (Vestec)

Houses near the village fire reservoir (Miskolezy, 29.8.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

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Statue of St. Linharta (Chvalkovice, 29.9.2016/XNUMX/XNUMX)

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Memorial plaque to those who died in the First World War (Vestec, 1 May 8.5.2022)

Memorial plaque to those who died in the First World War in Vestec

Bust of Božena Němcová (Chvalkovice, 13.7.2021)

Bust of Božena Němcová in Chvalkovice

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Chvalkovice - statue of St. Linhart