Úvalno-Hájnický potok-zříc. Šelenburk-Cvilín - Krnov 10 km

From the village of Úvalno - if you go by train - the route will be extended to the Hans Kudlich lookout tower by 2 km, by car you can almost reach the lookout tower, maybe a snack in the Strážiště restaurant, then your own supplies. From the lookout tower steeply down into the forest - follow blue if from the train stop, otherwise follow green at the same time as yellow (yellow is NS). You go along the Cvilín educational trail, so the classics - boards with labels - in places...
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Other places in the vicinity - Úvalno-Hájnický potok-zříc. Šelenburk-Cvilín - Krnov 10 km

Úvalno railway station: Úvalenské nádraží

Úválno - zst.

view from Šelenburk to the Cvilín lookout tower


Signpost Cvilín - church

Crossroads Cvilín - church

Signpost Cvilín - lookout tower

Cvilín crossroads - lookout tower

Černý les: meadows by the Čižina river approx. 50 m. from the signpost

black Forest

Signpost Krnov - square

Crossroads Krnov - square

Canceled pub in Úvalno

Hans Kudlich's shelter and lookout tower

Hans Kudlich's shelter and lookout tower

Hans Kudlich's shelter and lookout tower




Birthplace of Hans Kudlich

Hans Kudlich lookout tower

Hans Kudlich lookout tower