tourist crossroads Sloup - to the cemetery

A tourist signpost, located approximately 500 meters north of the ruins of Sloup Castle, shows tourists the way in two directions. Follow the blue sign in the direction of Česká Lípa, Pihel, U sjedi trapslíků - Radvanec, Údolí samoty, U posedu - Trávník, Mařenice, Babiččin opponik, Jablonné in Podještědí and follow the yellow sign in the direction of Sloup - Záhořínská kaple, Pod Ortelem, U posedu, Cvikov . 
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Other places in the vicinity - tourist crossroads Sloup - to the cemetery

tourist crossroads Sloup - under the castle

tourist crossroads Sloup - under the castle

Sloup Castle

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