Tourist crossroads Hodonín, railway station

It is located on Wilsonova Street in front of the railway station near the Grand Hotel. A red-marked hiking trail passes through here. It leads in one direction to Červený Domké and the Zoological Garden, continues along Hodonínská Dúbrava to Zbrod and from there on around the ponds to Mutěnice. This is the beginning of the long-distance route "Cesta TG Masaryk". It then continues in the opposite direction through the streets of Hodonín to Masarykovo náměstí, past the museum...
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Other places in the vicinity - Tourist junction Hodonín, railway station

Bažantnice Hodonín housing estate

Around Hodonín

St. John

short bike ride around Hodonín

Tourist crossroads Hodonín-náměstí

Tourist crossroads Hodonín-náměstí

Hodonín - monument to TG Masaryk - 2011

Hodonín - monument to TG Masaryk

Earthenware sculpture in the area in front of the station

Hodonín - stoneware sculpture in front of the station

Gallery of Fine Arts Hodonín

Gallery of Fine Arts Hodonín

Museum of Oil Mining and Geology

Museum of Oil Mining and Geology