Trstěnice - Church of the Ascension of St. Crisis

Trstěnice - Church of the Ascension of St. Crisis

Trstěnice - other attractions in the vicinity

Skalice - sycamore

Skalice - sycamore

Pension Bobule

Adam's winery

Upper Dunajovice: Water reservoir

Upper Dunajovice

Horní Dunajovice water reservoir

Marian column in Hostěradice

Marian column in Hostěradice

Statue of General Laudon

Želetice - statue of General Laudon

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Church of St. Jacob the Greater in Želetice - 24.8.2008 August XNUMX

Želetice - church of St. Jacob the Greater



Vémyslice swimming pool

Baroque sculptures in Hostěradice

Baroque sculptures in Hostěradice

The remainder of the command


Hostěradice - church of St. Kunhuty

Hostěradice - Komenda


Toothache orgasm

Herotic alley

Herotic alley

Church of St. Filipa and Jakub in Kadovo

Church of St. Filipa and Jakub in Kadovo

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Hubert's Oak

Rešice - Hubert's Oak

Zerotice - a ruin


Hostěradice - pit quarry

Hostěradice - geological attractions

Ponds - Drápalův mýn

Ponds - Drápalův mýn



Rešice - Chapel of St. Jan Nepomucký

Rešice - Chapel of St. Jan Nepomucký

Mikulovice - Church of St. Peter and Paul

Mikulovice - Church of St. Peter and Paul

Mikulovice - baroque granary

Mikulovice - baroque granary

View from the tower


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Tupanov - Church of St. Markets

Tupanov - Church of St. Markets

Statue of St. Jan Nepomucký in Lesonice

Statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Sketch of the granary according to the information board on the educational trail

Grain pits

Monument to the Soldiers Fallen in the World War and Monument to the Fallen in World War II in Lasonice

Monument to those who died in the world wars



dam dam

Výrovice reservoir

Swimming pool Miroslav

Výrovice reservoir

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Miroslavské Knínice - wandering around the attractions of the village

Miroslavské Knínice - wandering around the attractions of the village

Lesonic swimming pool

Lesonice swimming pool



Miroslav - Church of St. Peter and Paul

Miroslav - Church of St. Peter and Paul

Baroque sculptures in Miroslav

Baroque sculptures in Miroslav

Moravský Krumlov - Vrabčí Hájek

Miroslav Castle

Miroslav Castle

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