Třeština - the torment of God called Vysoudil's chapel

The village of Třeština is located in the Šumper district and is part of the Mohelnicko microregion. The village is first mentioned in writing in 1353 and today there are less than four hundred inhabitants. In the village itself - and in its immediate surroundings - we can find several noteworthy sights, for example, three interesting torments of God. Among them, the so-called Vysoudil's chapel clearly dominates.
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Other places in the vicinity - Třeština - divine torment called Vysoudil's chapel

heroic oak

Třeština - a village of heritage-protected trees



Cross in Stavenica

Construction site - empire cross

Construction site

Construction site

The canal of the power plant is also used for navigation

Not only the boating buffet in Háj

Polický rybník as seen from the main road between Polič and Úsov

Polický pond in Šumperk district

Chapel with a memorial linden tree (marking on the far left of the photo)

chapel of the Holy Trinity near Police

the oldest monuments of the village

Police (district SU) - reconciliation cross

Memorial to the Fallen 1914–18

Shelf – Monument to the fallen and commemorative linden

Dubicko - coat of arms above the entrance portal to the church - Photo: Ulrych Mir.
