route - From Černá hora to Peca pod Sněžkou

The fact that the most convenient way to get to the top of Černá Hora by cable car from Jánské Lázně is probably to carry firewood into the forest, but as a reminder, the cabin cable car called Černohorský express is in operation almost all year round, depending on the weather. In nice and preferably clear weather, we can visit the Panorama observation tower, which was built on the penultimate support column of the old cable car. Beautiful views are offered not only from…
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Other places in the vicinity - route - From Černá hora to Peca pod Sněžkou

tourist crossroads Černá hora - Sokolská bouda

tourist crossroads Černá hora - Sokolská bouda

tourist crossroads near the Černá Bouda hotel

tourist crossroads near the Černá Bouda hotel

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cycle-tourist crossroads under Černá Bouda

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eight-seater cabin

Janské Lázně - Černá hora cable car

Black Mountain peat bog - Black Mountain

Black Mountain peat bog - Black Mountain

Panorama observation tower

Krkonoše - Černá hora with lookout tower

lookout tower on Černá hora

Panorama lookout tower on Černá hora

Black Mountain - lookout tower

Černá hora - Panorama lookout tower