Wandering through the Ore Mountains - Boží Dar - Měděnec, stage 5.

The route from Boží Dar to Měděnec is approximately 20 km long and continues along the red-marked hiking trail.
Recommended attractions along the way:

Boží vílíkda is a wooden lookout tower a short distance from God's Gift. It was built in 2019 and looks like a matchbox. The observation tower is 8 m high and can be reached by 20 steps. A bell is hung in the upper part, which visitors to the observation tower can…
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Other places in the vicinity - Wandering through the Ore Mountains - Boží Dar - Měděnec, stage 5.

mountain hotel at the top of Fichtelberg

Kammweg 8.

Hike from Boží Dar to Klínovec

Hike from Boží Dar to Klínovec

Gift of God, statue of St. John of Nepomuk

Gift of God, statue of St. John of Nepomuk.

Plan of Jesus' journey

Guaranteed summer fun for your children - Jesus' journey

Santa Claus and mailbox for children's wishes

God's Gift, Jesus' way

Ore Mountains

Jesus' journey

church of st. Anne in Boží Dar

God's Gift - Church of St. Anne

Babyfriendly certificate - ENGADIN APARTMENTS