TIŠNOV 21 - 2. On a tour of the Podhorácký museum

The museum is located on the ground floor and on the first floor of a long building located opposite the Basilica of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary. It is open all year round, except Mondays, and the entrance fee is really affordable.
On the ground floor, I came across an exhibition dealing with the extraction of ores from the bowels of Květnice, a smaller gallery of pictures with motifs of the city of Tišnov and various old sacred and decorative objects.
The most important one is here in…
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Other places in the vicinity - TIŠNOV 21 - 2.On a tour of the Podhorácký museum

TIŠNOV 21 - 1. Visit to the Convent

TIŠNOV 21 - 1. Visit to the Convent

Předklášteří, a village near Tišnov

Předklášteří, a village near Tišnov

Monastery drive at the foot of Čečička

Pre-cloister - Monastery drive

Pre-cloister - cemetery church of the Holy Trinity

Pre-cloister - cemetery church of the Holy Trinity


Around Tišnov

A small family brewery in Předklášteří near Tišnov

A small family brewery in Předklášteří near Tišnov

Podhoráck Museum in Předklášteří near Tišnov

Podhoráck Museum in Předklášteří near Tišnov

Heaven's Gate

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Pre-convent - memorial pear tree

Pre-convent - memorial pear tree