Teplice - Water tower in Chvojky

The dominant features of villages and towns are predominantly churches, castles, parks, towers, but they are also technical structures, sometimes even reservoirs. Such an example is the North Bohemian town of Teplice at the foot of the Ore Mountains. The dominant feature is the water tower built in the southern part of Teplice, the Nová Ves district, where up to 22 inhabitants were supposed to live according to the city plan. Nová Ves was supposed to be a home primarily for the inhabitants of the villages...
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Other places in the vicinity - Teplice - Water tower in Chvojky

Teplice and a bit expensive orientation point and mast for antennas

Teplice and a bit expensive orientation point and mast for antennas

monument to Hans Kudlich

Teplice - Nová Ves - Obelisk of Hans Kudlich

Hans Kudlich's monument to the abolition of serfdom - robots

Hans Kudlich's monument to the abolition of serfdom - robots

three trees in the park

Teplice - Castle garden

Castle garden in Teplice spa

Castle garden in Teplice spa

Napoleon's memorial stone under Doubravka

Another monument to the Napoleonic Wars near Drahkov (Teplice)

1.Nová Ves - there is fog - on the right is Doubravský hrad

Teplice surroundings

Information board of the former boromejek monastery

Unique Beuron chapel in Teplice.

City Hall in Teplice

The town hall building in Teplice

Botanical garden in Teplice

May visit to the Botanical Garden in Teplice