Mikulov - column of the Holy Trinity

Mikulov - Statue of the Holy Trinity

Mikulov - other attractions in the vicinity

Klentnice - statue of St. Leonardo

Klentnice - statue of St. Leonardo

Klantnice - statue of St. George

Klentnice - statue of St. George

Klentnice - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Klentnice - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Perná - statue of St. Nicholas

Perná - statue of St. Nicholas of Myra

Pálava's angel of love

Pálava's angel of love

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Dolní Věstonice - statue of the Madonna and Child

Dolní Věstonice - statue of the Madonna and Child

statue of St. Floriana

Strachotín - statue of St. Floriana

Novosedly - Marian column

Novosedly - Marian column

Valtice - Marian column

Valtice - Marian column

Valtice - statue of Neptune

Valtice - statue of Neptune

Hare - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

Hare - statue of St. Jan Nepomucký

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