Šluknov, monument to TG Masaryk in the street of the same name.

The monument is located in front of the forestry school building. The base is a dark marble plinth on which a bust of TG Masaryk is placed. On the front side are the capital letters TGM. There is a staircase on the sides of the monument and a paved area behind it up to the building. The monument is the work of the sculptor Albert Králíček from Nová Paka. It was ceremoniously unveiled on 7/5/2008. There are several bushes of fennel growing around the monuments. Monument…
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Other places in the vicinity - Šluknov, the monument to TG Masaryk in the street of the same name.

Šluknov, south side of the church of St. Wenceslas

Šluknov, archdeacon's church of St. Wenceslas.

Šluknov, cross in TG Masaryk street

Šluknov, cross in TG Masaryka street.

Šluknov, statue of St. Wenceslas

Šluknov, statue of St. Wenceslas.

Šluknov railway station

Šluknov railway station.

View of the park from the castle window

Castle Park in Šluknov.

Šluknov, statue of St. Anthony of Padua

Šluknov, statue of St. Anthony of Padua.

Šluknov, view of the castle from the west

Šluknov castle.

Šluknov, the fountain on Náměstí Miru

Šluknov, the fountain on Náměstí Miru.

Šluknov, column of the Holy Trinity

Šluknov, column of the Holy Trinity.

Šluknov, castle, view from NW

Šluknov, the northernmost city of the republic.