Getting to know the Czech Karst, KARLŠTEJN.

      I wanted to visit here a long time ago, and the main goal was to be, according to some people, the most breathtaking place in the entire Czech Karst. I will probably describe this in later works, but I can already say that I was completely captivated. But first, in order. I took an express train from Ostrava to Prague, where I was relatively early, a little after half past eight on Saturday. I also had enough time to go through Prague's...
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Other places in the vicinity - Getting to know the Czech Karst, KARLŠTEJN.

Karlštejn Castle is not for sale, although…

Karlštejn Castle is not for sale, although…

view of the castle

Around Karlštejn Castle

The big tower

Karlštejn – Great tower with the chapel of St. Crisis

chapel of St. Catherine

Karlštejn – chapel of St. Catherine





and in the distance loomed our destination...

On Karlštejn, behind the magnificent castle of Fatherland Karl IV.

Karlštejn, the castle of Charles IV.

Karlštejn, the castle of Charles IV.