Šelmberské hodování or Festival of historical cuisine

Today we will look in South Bohemia to the ruins of one of the castles of the Boar's Head lords, Šelmberk.
Today, the castle is under the thumb of the Danar association, which built the Šelmberk Historical-Craftsmanship-Educational Center here. These little people live here in their free time, arrange the area and demonstrate how life was in the Middle Ages. Several craft workshops, built in the spirit of the Middle Ages, serve them for this. You can here…
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Other places in the vicinity - Šelmberské hodování or Festival of historical cuisine

0. View of Mladá Vožica from the castle.

Wandering through Mladovožice

Mladá Vožice, bell tower

Mladá Vožice - a walk through the city.

0. St. Václav on Žižka square in Mladá Vožica

St. Wenceslas hike around Mladá Vožice

0. View of Mladá Vožica.

Early evening hike to Mladá Vožice

0. Bell tower and church of St. Martin in Mladá Vožica.

Pre-storm hike from Chýnov to Mladá Vožice

Long-eared bat in the castle tower

Craftsmen and bats meet at Šelmberk Castle



The ruins of Šelmberk Castle

The ruins of Šelmberk Castle



Šelmberská myslivna

Šelmberská myslivna