Through the Ryty gorge to Sebuzín.

A trip to the central part of the Český středohoří to places that were inaccessible for a long time because it was a military area. I leave Tašov on the road towards Rýdeč. A short distance beyond Tašov is the repaired chapel of St. Mary Magdalene from 1707 on a rocky hill. I continue on to the Tašov Ovčárna junction, where I turn towards Čeřeniště. On the left side is the slope of Spálené vrch /578 m/. I couldn't resist and so…
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Other places in the vicinity - Rytina gorge to Sebuzín.

Čereniště, the beginning of the Rytyna gorge

Engraving of the gorge.



Varhošť lookout tower.

Lookout tower at Varhoště.

View of Dolní Zálezly



Viewpoint Krkavčí skála.

Babinský vrch

Babinský vrch

01 Start, Ústí nad Labem west

Central highlands around the Elbe