Crossroads in Lázně Evženie

The touristic crossroad is located in the Spa Evženie area (more about the Spa Evženie here). The directional arrows of the signpost here specify the directions of the red-marked tourist route, which leads from the west from the village of Pernštejn and continues in an easterly direction on the bridge over the Ohři river and on through Rašovice and Zásada u Kadana to the railway station in Kadana.
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Other places in the vicinity - Crossroads in Lázní Evženie

Signpost Klášterec nO - castle

Crossroads Klášterec nad Ohří - castle

Spa Evženie - spa houses

View of the Evženia spa

Klášterec nad Ohří Castle Park

Klášterec nad Ohří Castle Park