Troubky-Zdislavice - other attractions in the vicinity

Zdounky - Zdenička lookout tower

Zdounky - Zdenička lookout tower

It's beautiful to see from afar..

Tešanky lookout tower

Hurvínek in Kroměříž

Hurvínek to Zborovice (St. Bartholomew's Church)

Lebedov - lookout tower

Lebedov - lookout tower

Obes Střílky with a visible cemetery and chapel

Along the unfinished Bať highway through Chřiby

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Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary (view from the cemetery)

Střílky (Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary and Baroque Cemetery)

Střílky Baroque Cemetery

Střílky Baroque Cemetery

Flower garden

Kroměříž Gardens

The coat of arms of the municipality of Švábenice since 2008

To Švábenice for two museum exhibitions

Other villages in the vicinity of Troubka-Zdislavice

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