Rejchartice – Rejcharticky market

The village of Rejchartice is located near Šumperk, it has less than two hundred inhabitants and is first mentioned in writing in 1350. It is essentially a double interrupted strip of houses around part of the road, connecting the village of Rapotín and the lower part of the Desná valley with Hanušovice and Old Town. The village of the foothills type is surrounded by beautiful nature and we can also find several interesting sights here. However, the local "councilor"...
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Other places in the vicinity - Rejchartice - Rejchartický rynek

Rejchartice (near Šumperk) – angel's chair

Rejchartice (near Šumperk) – angel's chair

To the Lužná valley by the Bratrušovské stream

Is there an Old Castle near Lužna?

input part

Šumperk – Sanatorka na Sanatorka

The works are still in their infancy

Angel Meadows in Rejchartice

Monument in Rejchartice

Rejchartice - war memorial

meadow with an angel by Romana Krestýnová

Rejchartice – Andělská louka or Andělarium



Angel Meadows 2014

Angel meadows for the second time (albeit the first time)

Rejchartice U Zuzka

Rejchartice - U Zuzka, i.e. not U Volský oko, nor U Procházk