Kněz u Hrazan natural monument

The natural monument Kněz u Hrazan (GPS 49°31'33.245"N, 14°20'10.848"E, current info as of 2010) is located near the village of Hrazany, which is located near the town of Milevsko in southern Bohemia. Specifically, 0,5 km north of the local fire station. The village itself is on the border of the South and Central Bohemia regions. The easiest way to the village is on the road from Milevsko to Petrovice, where after approximately 8-10 km drive from…
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Other places in the vicinity - Natural monument Kněz u Hrazan

Central Bohemian Highlands

Central Bohemian Highlands

A large nest

Natural adventure park ZEMÉRÁJ

0. Through mysterious paths along the boulders

Wandering through Petrovick, the region of stones, from the other side

0. Hus's pulpit – the largest Czech pulpit.

Wandering through Petrovick, the region of stones

From Petrovice to Petrovice via Hus's pulpit and the Kuníček observation tower

From Petrovice to Petrovice via Hus's pulpit and the Kuníček observation tower

Earth the trail barefoot

From Kovářov through Budař to Kovářov

Priest at Hrazan

Priest at Hrazan

Lookout Kuníček

Lookout Kuníček



Kovářov (village)

Kovářov (village)

Restaurant Na Křižovatka
