Přilepy - Hrádek location

The citizens of flat Holešov are well aware of Přílepy, 3 km away, which already lies at the foot and on the slope of the last spur of the Hostýnské vrchy. Their favorite place is not only the recreational reservoir on Mojena and the accessible castle park, located next to the romantic (but inaccessible) castle, but also other monuments of the picturesque village. Of course, the appearance of so many...
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Other places in the vicinity - Přílepy - Hrádek location

born Wing


black bat

The ancient Lukov castle hides a winged treasure



Přílepy - rocky Castle

Přílepy - rocky Castle

Rocks of Hostýnské vrchy - 5. Castle

Rocks of Hostýnské vrchy - 5. Castle

Přilepy - Mojena reservoir

Přilepy - Mojena reservoir

Přilepy - castle and park

To Přílep to the castle park and the mysterious Castle

general view from the south

Přílepy - Neo-Renaissance castle and castle park