Prestavlky - village near Přerov

The village of Přestavlky is located on the slopes of the Kelčská pahorkatina, about 9 km from Přerov, on the road from Horní Moštěnica to Holešov. It has 109 descriptive numbers, 254 citizens are registered for permanent residence. The first written mention is from 1264.
Tourist attractions:
Baroque castle
The dominant feature of the village is the baroque castle from the middle of the 18th century, which stands on the site of a fortress that disappeared around 1670. In 1683, the Přestavlky bought ...
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Other places in the vicinity - Přestavlky - village near Přerova

Prestavlky - the grounds of the castle

Prestavlky - the grounds of the castle

Prestavlcký forest

Prestavlcký forest

Stará Ves - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Stará Ves - Church of the Assumption of the Virgin Mary

Stará Ves

Stará Ves

Hanák hill country - completion

Hanák hill country - completion

The transmitter tower on the Bare Hill

The transmitter tower on the Bare Hill

chapel of the Virgin Mary

Dobrčice - monuments of the village

Bare hill - a ridge with a view

Bare hill - a ridge with a view

Hanák hilly - introductory part

Hanák hilly - introductory part

Lookout at the cross above Dobrčice

Lookout at the cross above Dobrčice

Horní Moštěnice - Hanácká kyselka

Horní Moštěnice - Hanácká kyselka