Přestanov - Mass grave

The village of Přestanov has approximately 420 inhabitants and is located in the district of Ústi nad Labem. The biggest event in Přestanov's history was the military battle from August 29 to 30, 1813. At the place where the mass grave is today, the 40-strong French army of General Vandamme encountered each other in battle and was resisted by 15 Russian guardsmen with several hundred Austrian soldiers. The victory of the general's army…
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Other places in the vicinity - Přestanov - Mass grave

Přestanov - monument to the battle of 1813

Přestanov - Russian monument

Russian monument to the battle of 1813

The Russian monument near Přestanov - another witness to the Napoleonic battles

Přestanovský (French) monument

Prestanov monument.

French monument near Přestanov

French monument near Přestanov

Road sign to the mass grave of soldiers

Mass grave of the victims of the Napoleonic Wars in Přestanov.

On the left side of the chapel is the pub u

Chapel of St. John of Nepomuk in Stradov (Teplicko)

Chapel in the village

Stop it

Chapel of Antonín Paduánský in Přestanov

Chapel of Antonín Paduánský in Přestanov (Teplicko)

We go to Stradovo for another monument to the Napoleonic battles

Another witness of the Napoleonic Wars - the monument in Stradov.

Prussian monument in Varvažov

Prussian monument near Varvažov in honor of the battle of 1813