Pre-cloister - cemetery church of the Holy Trinity

It does not turn off in the grounds of the Porta Coeli monastery, but as the crow flies, about a quarter of a kilometer south of it on the Stránov hill in the center of the village. It was built in the Gothic-Romanesque style in 1555 and its donor was the abbess of the monastery Barbora Kvinská from Švábenice, an enlightened woman whose contribution made the whole region blossom. The small church underwent a Baroque reconstruction in 1678.
The church has only one nave bordered by both…
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Other places in the vicinity - Předklášteří - Holy Trinity Cemetery Church

Holy Trinity Cemetery Church in Předklášteří

Holy Trinity Cemetery Church in Předklášteří

Monastery of Porta Coeli

Monastery of Porta Coeli

Předklášteří, a village near Tišnov

Předklášteří, a village near Tišnov

TIŠNOV 21 - 2. On a tour of the Podhorácký museum

TIŠNOV 21 - 2. On a tour of the Podhorácký museum

TIŠNOV 21 - 1. Visit to the Convent

TIŠNOV 21 - 1. Visit to the Convent



Tourist signpost at the post office

To the ruins of Čepička Castle

Pre-convent - memorial pear tree

Pre-convent - memorial pear tree

Heaven's Gate

Porta Coeli

Podhoráck Museum in Předklášteří near Tišnov

Podhoráck Museum in Předklášteří near Tišnov