Prague (Nové Město) - semi-detached apartment building on Jirásková náměstí

The dominant feature of Prague's Jiráská náměstí is not only the modern Dancing House, but also the opposite - and very interesting - neo-baroque "apartment house". More precisely, two connected historical apartment buildings from the beginning of the 20th century. Both buildings are characterized by a prominent corner elevation topped by a tower. The one with the number 2014/1, 2 forms the transition between the square and Masaryk embankment, the one with the number 2013/1, 2 then connects...
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Other places in the vicinity - Prague (Nové Město) - semi-detached apartment building on Jirásková náměstí

Šítkov tower

Šítkov water tower

Dancing House (Ginger and Fred)

Dancing House (Ginger and Fred)

From the west


Eliška Krásnohorská memorial plaque

Prague 2 - Resslova - Eliška Krásnohorská memorial plaque