Znojmo -

Znojmo - Kopal's monument

Popice near Znojmo - the birthplace of Charles Sealsfield

Popice near Znojmo - the birthplace of Charles Sealsfield

Monument to Prokop Diviš

Monument to Prokop Diviš in Přímětice

Znojmo - other attractions in the vicinity

Kraví hora - monument to Anton Vrbka

Kraví hora near Znojmo - memorial stone of Anton Vrbka

Hero or deserter? The murder of gamekeeper Buršovský in Hluboké Mašůvky in 1916.

Hero or deserter? The murder of gamekeeper Buršovský in Hluboké Mašůvky in 1916.

And there were so many heroes all around. Kravsko, South Moravia.

And there were so many heroes all around. Kravsko, South Moravia.

Monument to Otmar Chlupa

Hnanice - monument to Otmat Chlupa

Other villages in the vicinity of Znojmo

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