Mohejlík near Hořice - Hussite mound

Mohejlík near Horice

Třebnouseves - other attractions in the vicinity

Hořice - Mohejlík, Hussite mound

Hořice - Mohejlík, Hussite mound

Gothard - monument to Dr. Aloise Rašin

Gothard - monument to Dr. Aloise Rašin

Gothard - monument to the victims of the Prussian-Austrian war

Gothard - monument to the victims of the Prussian-Austrian war

Hořice - monument to Master Jan Hus

Hořice - monument to Master Jan Hus

Gothard - monument to Jan Žižka

Gothard - Žižek's monument

Gothard - Rieger's Obelisk

Gothard - Rieger's Obelisk

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Monument to the fallen (Dolní Černůtky, 4.6.2019 June XNUMX)

Monument to those who died in the First World War in Dolní Černůtky

Hořice - monument to JA Comenius

Hořice - monument to JA Comenius

Hořice - Marian column

Hořice - Marian column

Hořice - KH Borovský monument

Hořice - KH Borovský monument

Lukavez cross

Lukavez cross

Malát's monument

Malát's monument

Birthplace of JUDr. Jana Podlipného No. 11 (Hněvčeves, 24.5.2019/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Establishment of a memorial plaque JUDr. Jan Podlipny in Hněvčevs in 1923

Sadová - monuments of the battle of 1866

Sadová - monuments of the battle of 1866

Dohalice - monuments to the battle of 1866 at the silo

Dohalice - monuments to the battle of 1866 at the silo

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Monument to Master Jan Hus

Chodovice - monument to Master Jan Hus

Dohalice - Monument to the Austrian Knebel Brigade

Dohalice - monument of the Austrian Knebel brigade

Petrovice - St. Wenceslaus

Petrovice - monument of St. Wenceslas

Monument to those who died in the First World War (Dohalice)

Monument to those who died in the First World War in Dohalice

Venice - monuments to the battle of 1866

Venice - monuments to the battle of 1866

Dohalichky - monuments to the battle of 1866 near the church

Dohalichky - monuments to the battle of 1866 near the church

Les Svíb - middle line

Les Svíb - middle line

Monument to those who died in World War I (Wetbeard)

Monument to those who died in the First World War in Mokrovousy

Miletín - Marian column with a statue of the Virgin Mary

Miletín - Marian column with a statue of the Virgin Mary

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Monument to KJ Erben (Miletín, 25.3.2022/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Monument to Karel Jaromír Erben in Miletín

Miletín - monument of St. George

Miletín - monument of St. George

Miletín - monument to KJ Erben

Miletín - monument to KJ Erben

Les Svíb - monument to Carl Poeckh

Les Svíb - forest road to Venice

Monument to those who died in the First World War (Suchá, 1/16.10.2021/XNUMX)

Monument to those who died in the First World War in Suché

Holá - monument to the battle of 1866

Holá - monument to the battle of 1866

Monument to the infantry regiment No. 49 (Čistěves, 20.5.2018/XNUMX/XNUMX)

Monument of ck infantry regiment No. 49 from the Prussian-Austrian war of 1866 near Čistevsi

Les Svíb – field hunter

Les Svíb - field hunter

Monument to the Austrian 51st Infantry Regiment (Máslojedy, 7.4.2019 April XNUMX)

Monument to fallen soldiers of the 51st Infantry Regiment in the Svíbské les

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Les Svíb - Alley of the dead, monument to the Austrian field regiment No. 51

Les Svíb - Alley of the dead

Čisteves - monument to the Prussian 2nd Magdeburg Infantry Regiment No. 27

Čisteves - a monument on the way to Svíb

Čistěves - a set of monuments in the north of the village

Čistěves - monuments at the northern edge of the village

Čisteves - monument to the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 61

Čisteves - monument to the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 61

Les Svíb - Roman monument

Les Svíb - Roman

Les Svíb - monument to the 1st Magdeburg Infantry Regiment No. 26

Les Svíb - northeastern edge of the forest

Les Svíb - monument to the Austrian Infantry Regiment No. 67

Les Svíb - eastern entrance to the forest

Other villages in the vicinity of Třebnouseves

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