Zdouň, church of St. Vavřine view from the NE

The monument to the liberation of Hrádek near Sušice.

Tedražice - other attractions in the vicinity

Castle near Sušice, monument to the fallen

Hrádek near Sušice, a monument to those who died in the World War.

Sušice, monument to those who died in the world wars

Monument to the fallen in Sušice.

Sušice, view from the embankment to the monument

Monument to TG Masaryk in Sušice.

Mokrosuki, monument to the fallen

Mokrosuky, a monument to those who died in the World War.

Mokrosuky, monument to Prof. MD Václav Vojta

Monument to Prof. MD Václav Vojta in Mokrosuky.

Budětice, monument to the fallen

Budětice, monument to the fallen.

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Ustaleč, monument at the former school

Ustaleč, monument at the former school.

Steadfast, monument to the fallen

Steadfast, monument to the fallen.

Vlkonice, monument to Matěj Pavlovič

Vlkonice, monument to Matěj Pavlovič, RAF pilot.

Žichovice, monument to the fallen

Žichovice, monument to those who died in the World War.

Nalžovské Hory, monument to the fallen under the square

Monuments to the fallen in Nalžovské Hory.

Zihobce memorial to the fallen front page

Zihobce, a monument to the fallen.

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