Monument to the fallen in the village of Horka II

Monument to the fallen in the village of Horka II

Kácov, the upper part of the monument to the fallen

Kácov, monument to the fallen.

The names of 18 fallen soldiers from the local village are engraved on the sides of the monument.


Location: Lovčice, northern edge of the village

LOVČICE - Monument to partisans

Monument to fallen heroes in Zruč nad Sázavou

Monument to fallen heroes in Zruč nad Sázavou

Memorial to the Victims of the First World War in Mrchojedy

Memorial to the Victims of the First World War in Mrchojedy

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Monument in Hlízov in front of the cemetery

Land reform monument in Hlízov

Memorial to the victims of the First World War in Žleby

Memorial to the victims of the First World War in Žleby

Kutnohorsko - other attractions in the vicinity

Monument to the fallen in Cologne

Cologne - Monument to the Fallen of the Great War



Other villages in the vicinity of Kutnohorsko

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