monument to Albert B. Young

Blučina - monument to Albert B. Young

Blučina - other attractions in the vicinity

The statue monument is located in the middle of a small draw

Opatovice - Statula monument

Liberation Monument

Židlochovice - liberation monument

New monument built here in 2018

Holasice - memorial to fallen Red Army soldiers

Monument to General Kozyr in front of the building of the Secondary School of Horticulture

Rajhrad - monument to General Kozyr

Rajhrad - memorial plaque at the railway station

Rajhrad - memorial plaque at the railway station

Monument to Prof. Octavian Farsky

Monument to Octavian Farsky

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"Dusse pak raduge se w wiecny joy...". Cross at Přísnotice.

Monument on the Čertoraj hill

Monument on the Čertoraj hill

Airmen's monument - Sokolnice - 1.3.2012

Sokolnice - aviators' memorial

Monument to Leopold Šrom in Chrlice - 10.3.2012

Monument to Leopold Šrom - Brno-Chrlice

Ořechov - monument

Ořechov - monument

mound of peace

mound of peace

Mound of peace in Praci

Mound of peace - Austerlitz

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