Steam Brewery (Lobeč)

The village of Lobeč is located about twenty kilometers northeast of Mělník and has 140 inhabitants.
The first written mention of the village dates back to 1323. In the 14th century, the Church of the Exaltation of St. Cross and in 1654 a baroque castle was added. Another important building in the village is the brewery, which is mentioned in writing as early as 1586. The core of the existing building with a valuable two-nave threshing floor dates from the 17th century. Throughout…
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Other places in the vicinity - Parostrojní pivovar (Lobeč)

View of the castle from the castle courtyard


Front view of the reservoir

Romanov reservoir

Mass - statue of the Virgin Mary, St. Sebastian and St. Rocha

Mass - statue of the Virgin Mary, St. Sebastian and St. Rocha

Mass in Kokořínsk and the church of St. Martin

Mass in Kokořínsk and the church of St. Martin

Church of St. Martin

City of Mšeno - Church of St. Martin

The mill, Bezděz in the background


Museum of Eduard Štorch

Museum of Eduard Štorch (Lobeč)

Vrátenská Hora lookout tower

Vrátenská Hora lookout tower

01 Nosálov

Kokořínské from Nosálov


Nosálov - Vrátenská hora - Houska

Vrátenská hora lookout tower

Vrátenská hora lookout tower