Jihlava Royal Oath Monument

The monument is located in Jihlava under the Prague Bridge. It was commissioned by the city representatives in 1565. The monument commemorates the solemn oath of the new Czech king Ferdinand I, which took place on January 30, 1527. Here, the king promised the Czech estates that he would preserve their freedoms and privileges and that of the entire country. Until recently, the monument stood on the meadow, which was called the royal meadow, unfortunately today it stands in close proximity...
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Other places in the vicinity - Jihlava Royal Oath Memorial

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Footbridge at the tennis court,

Memorial on November 17 before the unveiling

Memorial on November 17 – Jihlava

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The royal stone

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View of the signpost from Mostecká Street

Jihlava U Jánů

Signpost on a street light pole

Jihlava At the Prague Bridge